Our first Christmas together was quiet but great! We woke up and opened presents... actually, I had to wake up Mikel because he doesn't quite understand the urgency of opening presents on Christmas morning. We both got great presents from each other and our parents-- we got clothes, a great new camera, a fun game, and lots of DVDs to watch!
After that, we went over to Brett and Megan's house for a great dinner. We are lucky to have friends in the area that don't mind letting us crash on their holidays!
We got to see the cool presents their kids got from Santa, have a great dinner and spend good time with friends. After that, Brett and Megan took their kids to a movie and we went home to play with our presents and take pictures with our new camera. We didn't have much to take pictures of (it was too cold to go outside) so we just took pictures of ourselves.
We missed our family and friends but finally got to spend a Christmas together! It was my first white Christmas and it was wonderful.
Since then we've had lots of time to relax and hang out together which has been great. Mikel has been working and I've been... relaxing!
It's a bad sign when you cannot tell if it's currently snowing because the wind is blowing so hard that there is a ton of snow in the air already?? My answer- yes, it's terrible.
Not much exciting is going on around here. We're bummed we missed the Griffiths family Christmas party but we're relaxing and enjoying some lazy time together and preparing for our own Christmas-- our first together!
Hopefully the wind will stop blowing. It would be a lost cause to hope for the snow to stop so I'll focus on the wind!
For better or worse, I'm done for the semester! I took my last test this morning... who starts tests at 7:30 when it's only 20 degrees outside?! I think it went well so now I'm just waiting for grades to be posted.
Now, all I have to do is wait and collect finals from my students and then grade those and I'll be all done! It's time for sleeping, relaxing, scrapbooking, and even reading for fun! Of course there will be some planning for next semester but that's not too bad. I'm going to be enjoying some down time for awhile which will be nice for the both Mikel and me!!
We had our first "it's not fun to be grown up" day. I'm sure there's plenty more to come!!
I had a final to take at 1:00 today so I was going to get up and go study at my office early. Plus, I had to collect finals from some of my students at 11. After I showered and got dressed, I went outside to start the car and warm it up (not one of the fun things about living in cold weather) like I do every morning and it didn't start. It was not even close to turning over. Sad day. So of course, I woke Mikel up and made him go try and turn on the car and shockingly, same result.
I called AAA but I was going to have to stay with my car for 45 minute to an hour. I didn't have that kind of time- I had to get to my office, so I called our friend Brett (thank goodness for Brett and Megan) and he dropped me off. At this point, I had lost most of my studying time but was glad I wasn't stuck at home. Luckily, it's finals week and Brett didn't have anything to do today so he went back and helped Mikel get the car jump started. I heard this was quite a sight in our apartment parking lot.
Mikel was able to drive the car to Sears, get the battery checked and, of course, it was dead so we had to buy another one. By the time I was done with my final, Mikel had the car all fixed up and was able to pick me up.
Although it definitely wasn't the day we had planned, if our car was going to die, it couldn't have been a better situation. First, almost every other day Mikel and I are headed straight to work or school. Since I had some time before my students expected me, I wasn't late for anything. Second, it was finals week so Brett was able to help with very little disruption. Third, Mikel works at Sears and was able to get at least a little discount on the battery check and replacement. And last, this may not sound like a good thing but it didn't really matter that I didn't study for my final. Let me explain, after taking the final, the things I would have studied weren't on the test so I didn't really lose anything. Don't worry, the final was in a math class so it went fine.
That was our day!! Fun stuff. The good news is, I only have one more final to take on Wednesday morning and now I'm confident the car will be able to get me there! I can't wait for Christmas break!!
My computer shows the weather here in Michigan and in Riverside and since it's in the teens here and seventies and eighties in California, I thought I'd share a little bit of our snow! The good thing is that when it has snowed, it's not big snowflakes so it hasn't built up too much.
Other than that, school is almost over!! I turned in two papers this week and only have 2 finals left between me and 4 weeks of vacation! The finals will not be as stressful as the papers so I'm in the home stretch!
I got my teaching schedule for next semester and I'm really excited! Although it's not set in stone quite yet I'm teaching a Healthy Lifestyles lecture class, 2 volleyball classes and 1 swim conditioning class... I couldn't ask for much better! Now that I've been through one semester, I have ideas on how to tweak things a little bit to make them even better!
Things are going well here. I think Mikel is looking forward to me being out of school and a little less stressed as well!