Things have been pretty busy the past couple weeks around here so here is a quick update.
I have been just trying to keep up with school. Six weeks are already done with this semester and there are only two more weeks until spring break!
I am taking three classes this semester: growth and motor development; growth, maturation, and physical activity; and social-emotional development across a lifespan. Two of my teachers are into all of the newest research on how students learn best and, although I appreciate their intentions, I'm not a big fan of group work! I'm sure this doesn't completely shock very many people. A little group work is OK but we waste the first 30 minutes of a 3 hour class talking about our feelings and updating our groups on our lives. I guess I should call it a waste; I'm trying to keep a positive outlook! =) We even have a group portion of our test! If we got to choose our groups that would be one thing but they are "randomly" assigned. I do like the content of all of my classes and they are all a lot of work!
I am also teaching four classes this semester: 2 volleyball I classes, swim conditioning, and healthy lifestyles. The lifestyles class is half lecture and half physical activity and I really like it. Of course I enjoying teaching beginning volleyball and swim conditioning is a pretty easy class as well. All of those classes cause me to spend a lot of time on campus!!
Just recently, my friend Brett (from Idaho) and I went down to the Midwest AASP (Association for Applied Sport Psychology) conference at Bowling Green University. We attended for just one of the two days but it is always interesting to meet students and professors from other sport psych programs and see how many of the people have ties to MSU!
Mikel is still enjoying teaching basketball I at MSU; It gives him a chance to play a little bit as well! He is also still working at Sears and actively looking for jobs in athletic administration. We're so thankful he found the job at Sears and it is working out so well but we're hoping he finds another job sometime. Right now, any job is a good job!
Other than that, we're looking forward to spring break! I talked to my cousin Brian who is attending Notre Dame and we have the same spring break so Mikel and I might make a short trip that way and have him and Katy give us a tour of their campus. We definitely want to see as much of the surrounding areas while we are out here in Michigan! Also, our friend Josh is coming to visit for his spring break and the end of March and it will be fun to show him around MSU and East Lansing! Friendly faces from home are always appreciated!!