Happy Easter everyone! Holidays remind us how much we want to eventually make it back close to family; they just aren't as exciting alone! Nobody was here to hide Easter eggs for me!
Today has been pretty slow... Mikel is at work and I'm at home cleaning and getting motivated to do homework. Mikel has been getting progressively more hours from work so that's been nice for us.
As for school, I only have three more weeks of this semester left! Yea!! It's always nice at the semester for classes to end so I can start looking forward to something new; by the end of the semester, I'm usually ready for change! Now I just have about 3 papers to write and 1 exam left before I can move on from this semester.
Mikel had more excitement in his basketball class last week than he would have liked... a student compound fractured his ankle! Ew ew ew!!! It's a good thing it was not in my class! Mikel handled it really well, of course, and luckily the student wasn't too freaked out about the whole situation.
We are excited for the weather to start getting warmer around here so we can spend more time enjoying the outside! Can't wait for summer!!
This is the picture from the MSU athletic department website of MSU's open practice in Detroit. There were 30,000 people there to watch a 50 minute practice!!! That's so cool! They are opening up the Breslin Center tonight so people can go in and watch the game- it would be fun to go but Mikel has to work so I'm not going to go by myself. I will have my camera ready in case things get exciting around here!
Other than that, we only have 4 weeks of school left! It's technically 4 weeks and then finals week but my finals week will be over on Monday so my semester is over on May 4th. I'm enjoying this semester for the most part but by the end of the semester, I'm always ready for something new.
This summer is looking pretty busy. Mikel will continue working at Sears and looking for openings in the athletic department; we're hoping for some turnover! I get to teach one class, Healthy Lifestyles, for the first 7 weeks from May 18th- July 2nd. I also was awarded a research development fellowship to work on a research project which will be an awesome opportunity! I originally heard that I did not get it but all the sudden last week, my advisor got a phone call and they wanted to offer me one. I'm not sure if someone didn't qualify or backed out-- either way, it works out for me!!
After that, I've got some volleyball camps to coach and it will be fun to get back into the gym! It also looks like Mikel will be able to make a trip to Idaho while I'm there. We found such cheap flights so we had to do it!
Things are busy but good around here!!