Today we tried another something new (at least for me)! Mikel played golf in high school, quite successfully, but I have never played or even really hit at the driving range. Mini golf isn't really even my game-- I'm terrible.
There are golf courses EVERYWHERE around here and we've been talking about playing a lot. Unfortunately, my left handedness makes it difficult to just go out and hit balls but the driving range had a couple clubs they let me try and it was pretty fun!!
Just in case, I dusted off Don, my knee brace (the company who makes it is Don Joy) so I didn't get in trouble with Dr. Wall but I felt good!
As for my knee, it's feeling pretty good! The biggest annoyance is that I'm now a human barometer and can tell when it's going to rain by my aching but I don't have a lot of pain or stiffness. It does pop and crack when I do a lot of things but Dr. Wall said that is expected and as long as it doesn't hurt me too bad that it's not a huge concern or surprise. Although I have to be a little more creative than I would like to sometimes, I can workout and it does feel much better now that the screws are out!
After school ends every semester, I typically crash and spend the better part of about three days sleeping. It doesn't make me very exciting but it's definitely needed after the stress and hard work of the semester.
It's also been really nice that Mikel had yesterday, today, and tomorrow off of work. These are the first days we've both had off at the same time since the start of the semester. After I woke up from an afternoon nap, we decided to get out of the house and go to a park in town to get some fresh air and change of pace.

These are a couple of the pictures from the park-- everything is so pretty and green!!
As we were leaving, we were talking about what we wanted to do and see the next day since we had time off and mentioned that we wanted to see Central Michigan University. All the sudden, we ended up on the road to CMU taking an inadvertent road trip! 

I had been to CMU before during my first year of coaching but the weather was horrible and I was just trying to survive my first road trip as a coach.
We saw their baseball stadium... 
Their football stadium...
And what I thought from the outside was the gym we played in.... obviously not!
We also stopped by and checked out the Soaring Eagle Casino which is right outside of Mt Pleasant. It's a huge casino on an Indian Reservation.
Also, if people need this sign, maybe they shouldn't be gambling at the casino...
Pretty flowers outside...
All in all, it was a really fun trip and, thank goodness for the GPS so we can take random trips like this!