Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures on Thanksgiving but we did have a good day! Mikel and I were invited over to Mike's house (a guy Mikel works with) for dinner with his family. The boys played a lot of pool, we watched some football, ate lots of food and plenty of dessert!
Black Friday proved to be as crazy as promised and Mikel worked about 11 hours that day. The positive is that he did a ton of sales so that means more money! He is working a lot between Thanksgiving and Christmas but it will be worth it!
My favorite part of Thanksgiving is probably putting up all the Christmas decorations afterward. We bought a narrow, pre-lit tree last year for Christmas. It would be awesome to have a big, real tree but we don't have room or money for that so maybe later!
Here is our tree all decorated. They are not the best pictures but you get the idea. One of these days I'll spend lots of time learning how to edit photos so they look all fancy but this will have to do for now!
As always around the holidays, we wish we could be closer and spend it with family but we are having fun creating our own celebrations and traditions!
On a positive note, we haven't seen snow yet. Well, Mikel said it was kind of snowing at 3 in the morning when he went to Sears but that doesn't count because there was nothing on the ground and I was awake to see it!