Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big Hole fishing

This past weekend while I was recovering from a LONG bus trip (4 hours on the bus on Friday and 13 hours on Saturday), Mikel went fishing with a couple friends. They were on the Big Hole River in Melrose, about 30 miles outside of Dillon.

They caught a lot of fish and Mikel caught a huge German Brown Trout (apparently the cool kids just call them Browns). It was the biggest Brown Mikel has caught on his fly rod yet.

The cell phone pictures are a little dark but it works!

Monday, October 8, 2012

parents visit

Last weekend, we were lucky enough to get a visit from my parents here in Dillon. You learn to appreciate having guests so much more when you move far away because it is a challenge for people to come see you (especially when you live in Montana and it's impossible to find a decent sized airport anywhere around)!

On top of the visitors, we came away 2-0 on the weekend and handed Rocky Mountain College their first lost to Western in at least 7 years (I can't find records before that)! It was a good weekend for sure.

Below are some of my dad's pictures from a drive we took to Kelly Lake, a spot where Mikel has fished before but I had never been.

big sky country

the lake is really low but still beautiful 

my new computer background

me and my mother

living the dream in Montana 

We love having visitors and exploring Montana with them!