Here's the story... the spring of my sophomore year at ISU somehow Mikel and I were at a pet store and saw these cute little African Dwarf frogs (I think that's what they're called) in a tank with little fish. I thought they were cute and wanted one so a couple days later I got a frog, a gallon fish bowl, and three little fish friends.
The frog eats these little pellets that we drop in the top of the bowl once a day and the fish ate fish food. Well, everything was getting along swimmingly until I left for something and, as my roommates were taking care of things, the fish all died. We think it's because they put normal tap water in the bowl (apparently the frog is tougher than fish). Well another set of fish were bought and subsequently killed by different roommates so I decided I'm not a fish person and just stuck with Shload...
He got the name 'Shload the Pygmy Toad' from Mikel and his roommates when he was at their house. No, he's not a toad- he's a frog. I can't explain it more than that except the boys said it and it stuck.
Well, this is why you don't buy pets on a whim because he's still alive! We do like Shload and he made the trip to Michigan sitting in between us in a box in the moving truck and now he sits on a shelf in our living room. He swims around and floats and talks but he's not too overwhelming to care for (he doesn't require much of anything). And yes, he does talk although Mikel can't hear it (it's fairly quiet and high pitched). I originally couldn't figure out what it was, I thought it was the tv or refrigerator when I first heard it but it's Shload!!
That's our friend Shload!
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