The high school is a REALLY big deal in town and their sports teams are generally very good. This is in stark contrast to Montana Western's recent years of losing seasons and so the high school is very well supported.
We have recently had the chance to go to a football game and the Beavers are currently first in the state in high school football. I should have gotten a picture of the home stands because they were packed but this is BCHS beating someone (I really should remember these details-- but either way they were supposed to be a really tough team).
Mikel suggested I take a picture of the scoreboard because the high school may be the only team to put up a winning score on it. That is 40-10.
You see, the high school and college teams share a stadium and football field. After I got over thinking that was really weird, it's actually quite practical for a town of ~3,700 to only have the one field.
Like volleyball, our football team at Western has a new coaching staff this year after about five years of bad seasons.
I also went to a volleyball game at the local high school. They are definitely in a "rebuilding year" (which is the nice way of saying they aren't nearly as good as they have been). They have a new coach this year also and she is actually the old coach from Western (not the one I replaced but the one before that). She still works at the college but stepped down from the Western volleyball program to spend more time with her family.
Pretty nice gym for 350 students!