I bet I'm the only one who heard this today:
"Sorry I'm late; I would have been here sooner but there was a cow loose in town and I had to take a detour."
Yup, you read that right. There was a COW loose in town. (And yes, my first question was if Mikel managed to get a picture. The police diverting traffic probably wouldn't have taken too kindly to that though so you'll have to trust us on this one.)
Mikel was on his way to the university to help do some renovations in the volleyball locker room and apparently there was a cow in the middle of the road. Two guys had roped in and were fighting it to get it in a horse trailer thing. This isn't the edge of town either (or really close to any fields) so we're not sure how the cow got to that point but it did!
Just another Thursday in Dillon!