Thursday, March 22, 2012


Why does the weather play with my emotions?? 

The week after spring break (when Mikel was in Oregon fishing) we had some great weather here in Dillon. I didn't have to leave the heater on during they day because we had comfortable days. Sixty degrees in March?! Yes please!

It had been a light winter so far and I knew it was too good to be true but I went with it while it lasted! I love me some sun.

 My world of beautiful world of wonderful weather came crashing down this weekend when we got dumped on. We got about 8" of snow on Sunday and it's trying to stick around for awhile.

Good thing it's pretty because, other than that, I'm not a fan!
snow on campus

outside my office
It's supposed to be back in the 50s and 60s soon and the weather people better not be lying to me!!