Tuesday, May 29, 2012

happy Memorial Day

I am so over winter and snow! 

I just had an awesome visit to Southern California where I got to soak up some sun, visit with family, and meet Blair (my new niece). The biggest weather complaint I had there was regarding the sunburn I got which is really my own fault (I'm out of practice actually putting on sunscreen because it hasn't been necessary for a LONG time). 

And then I come home to THIS:

Well, I didn't actually come home to it; I did drive through sleet on the way home but this was saved for the holiday weekend. SNOW?!

I know, I know, I live in Montana but that little Californian living inside of me hasn't died and she does NOT appreciate snow especially during the unofficial start to summer.

Because of the cold weather, snow, and wind we spent the most of the weekend inside watching movies, reading, and relaxing. I unpacked and Mikel worked (when it wasn't raining or snowing).

Ugh, snow, snow, go away (and take rain and cold with you)!