Wednesday, October 29, 2008

winter is near...

I wore my first winter coat today; always a sad day. I was especially upset when I saw on my computer that it was 80 in Riverside and 38 here. It is supposed to be in the mid-60s again by the end of the week but today was not so pleasant!

We cannot complain too much though... we haven't really had snow yet. We saw a little hail at the end of last week but not much at all. A couple days ago, we woke up and the roof next door was covered in white but by the time we left it was gone so that's not so bad! It's almost November and my windshields has only been frozen once-- I'll take it!

Other than that, things are going well. School is well... school's school but I'm enjoying it. I'm liking the classes I'm teaching and loving the classes I'm taking!

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