Monday, February 1, 2010

Spartan drama

I'm sure this is not high on most people's priority list but MSU and Nike are causing quite the uproar here in East Lansing. Nike and MSU have apparently spent 2 years redesigning the Spartan logo for the football helmet and other Michigan State gear and, to say it lightly, it's not going over well!

There are newspaper articles, facebook groups, signs of protest at athletic events as well as chants during games.... people don't like the new proposed logo. I feel like I'm in an Athletic Administration class discussing how not to implement change and develop fan support...

This is a picture of the current logo on the left and the new logo on the left (with a little bit of commentary)...

It's been said to have a Leno chin. Although I personally like the current logo more, I probably won't be making a picket sign anytime soon!

Izzo had some harsh words for the critics as well. Apparently there's a "full reveal" coming in April so we'll have to see what MSU and Nike have planned.

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