Friday, November 12, 2010

Christmas Cards!

I love Christmas! I love everything about it and cannot wait to break out the decorations and music and everything that goes with it! I love decorating the tree every year because opening up the box of ornaments is like opening up a box of memories. Some of the older ornaments reflect family memories from years gone by; I remember my mom carefully unwrapping each of the ornaments and dad and Matt orchestrating the decorating of the tree (kind of like driving directions, I'm not given much say-- probably justifiably so). The newer ornaments remind me of recent memories for Mikel and me and all of our adventures together. 

One of the other great things about Christmas time and the holiday season is getting cards in the mail. For about a month I remember the excitement of checking the mail to see what Christmas cards we got and the ones with pictures were always the most exciting. Now that we have our own little family, I love sending out our own cards. Unfortunately, on a student's budget we have to find something affordable and that's when I stumbled across the Shutterfly website: 

I've already been playing around with the options and am considering the pattern at THIS LINK or THIS ONE because I love to be able to put in lots of pictures!

If Christmas cards aren't you're thing they also have New Years cards:

Or even wall calendars that I love:

You can always check out this promotion as well if you have a blog:

Such a great deal and so easy! I can't wait to get my cards and send them out to family and friends so we can keep in touch from afar! 

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