While all of these things are fine and dandy, there are some not so wonderful things about being a grown up. I've been compiling a list in my head of all the things that are not fun about being a grown up and figured I should share.
- Taxes. If they wanted my money, why didn't they take it in the first place?! I thought that between Mikel and I we had enough education to figure out our taxes but it took a couple nights and a boat load of frustration to seal the deal. It would be a heck of a lot easier if we stayed in one state and each brought home a W2 but of course that wouldn't happen. We had I think five W2s, four 1099s, and two states between us. What a nightmare.
- Cars. When you turn 16, a car seems like a great idea but it's not. That's a lie. You have to register it, insure it, put gas in it, fix it, change the oil in it, and the only thing I know about cars is that they are expensive and I am cheap. I am thankful for the cars we have (incredibly) but I wished we lived in a city where I never had to drive again.
- Dinner. Now I'm not talking about the eating part of dinner because that, I'm a fan of. No, I'm talking about the part that requires you to find something that sounds good to two people, miraculously have the ingredients, and then cook it.
- Insurance. All of it. Car, health, dental, vision, renters. Ugh.
- Setting your own bed time, deciding when and how much tv to watch, eating dessert before dinner (or in place of dinner), and going on your own vacations. Sometimes I'm not responsible enough to do these for myself and could really benefit from a full-time babysitter.