The weekend before Easter, I went to Spokane to go recruiting and Sarah went with me (for moral support and as an excuse to get out of Dillon for the weekend). While I was out of town, Mikel and our friend Ben went to Stanley, ID to go steelhead fishing.
Mikel found these cabins online and rented one for the two of them. He said they were really nice inside and had two beds, a bathroom, and a little kitchen area.
Ben outside the cabin |
They unfortunately didn't have the best weather for fishing but were still able to catch some and have a really good time. Ben isn't known as the most patient fisherman (or person for that matter) but he had a great time so that's a good sign!
Ben getting his first fish |
Ben with his pretty fish |
Mikel's dad was able to meet them and fish for a day. It was a good trip and Mikel never likes to turn down an opportunity to go fishing!