Sunday, January 11, 2009

we're back!!

So there were no blogs for awhile because I was at home in California and Mikel was here in Michigan but I got home late last night.

The trip to California was great! The screws were taken out of my leg and there was very little downtime so that was very nice (especially compared to last Christmas)! I also got to spend a lot of time with family and some friends!
While I was gone, Mikel did a lot of working and a lot of relaxing! He also found out that he is going to teach a basketball class for MSU this semester so that's very exciting! It will be just like the classes he taught in Idaho and may be a good excuse to play basketball twice a week.

Now, we're just getting ready for the semester to start tomorrow! I'm off to a meeting about test writing and Mikel is off to work!

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