Friday, June 18, 2010


We were thirsty and it was Thursday-- a match made in heaven! 

Yesterday was a beautiful day and the Lansing Lugnuts had a home game and it was Thirsty Thursday. Our friends Shad and Jake (who go to dental school at University of Michigan) were in town helping another guy we know from Idaho move into an apartment here in East Lansing. He was on our intramural volleyball team and went to ISU; now he's going to medical school at MSU. Another Idaho connection here in Michigan! 

We all went to the baseball game last night with another friend Casey. It was a great night!

After that, we walked over to a bar that had dueling pianos and listened to them play for awhile... very cool! (this is where my picture taking skills failed)

Then, of course we had to head downstairs to watch the end of the basketball game. I had been watching updates on my phone all night but I had to see the end! GO LAKERS!!

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