Sunday, March 27, 2011

adventures at MSU

I'm not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed but I NEVER use the library at MSU. I went to a seminar there one time (which was a waste of time by the way) and have never been there for intended purposes. I used to be in the library all the time at ISU because that is where I met Ted and did math. Now that math is out of the picture and there is an electronic version of most everything I ever need, I don't set foot in the library.

That all changed when I realized my teacher added a book to the reading list for my upcoming test that I did not realize. Because I determined that explaining to my teacher that I had not read the list and just now noticed that I have no access to the book she recommended, I found the call number, put on my hood (it was cold out), and headed to the library.

Success! The book was on the third floor in the East Wing... it sounded so serious and far away but I managed. I also took these pictures to document the feat. The library actually has little buttons you can push that move the shelfs to the left and right (like medical records with the big windy wheel things). Somebody could get smashed in the library. I never knew this was dangerous! I wanted to play with them but I restrained myself.

That is all.

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