Sunday, March 13, 2011

random thoughts from lisa

Coach for a coach... this is the cute purse my club team gave me yesterday at our last tournament. They played the BEST they have all season and, although I had to make two attitude adjustments, it was overall a great day for the team. I'm glad I did it but I'm also glad it's over!

This was a DELICIOUS sandwich I got at a new deli across from campus. It was corned beef, coleslaw, and Russian dressing on rye. It totally is not something I would ever expect to order and Mikel did a double take when I did. Either way, it was AMAZING! After I took a couple bites and realized how scrumptious it was, I made sure to take a picture so I could share (you're welcome).

Lastly, a picture of the tigers from the circus. It's not a very good picture but this was my view from work today at Breslin. Considering I'm not really supposed to be taking pictures, I didn't worry about trying again!

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